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Quality Control

Quality Control is a chain of process taken place once the product is manufactured. While KOTBS.COM aims at offering wholesale price to consumers, we invest a lot quality control, which can be divided into 4 processes as below.

1. Specialization & professionalism in sourcing reputable and reliable manufacturers.

We specialized in sourcing quality consumer electronics. It is simply we like electronics and we pledge to offer products at low price so that more people can be benefited.

We are professional because our sourcing team is leaded by experienced merchandisers formerly working in Huawei, a leading telecom solutions provider (Think about British Telecom) and Foxconn, a leading manufacturer involved in Nokia and iPhone parts.

Background of a manufacturer is highly important. We check the legal entity of the manufacturer to make sure we are doing business with reputable and reliable parties. Straight sourcing from the most trusted manufacturers allows us to offer you favorite items at wholesale price with high standard of quality.

2. Quality Control by manufacturers

As all manufacturers doing business with us are reliable and most trusted, quality control would be seriously carried out before products are handed in to our sourcing team.

3. Inspection before product is exported to warehouses

No matter how large the volume of each purchase order is, we send our experienced sourcing team to factory sites to carry out further inspection. With regard to every purchase order, inspection is done following strict protocols and requirements.

4. Final approval by logistic team

Quality control never ends before the order is packed for delivery. Our logistic team, whether in London, New York or Hong Kong would do the final inspection before they pack the items carefully with bubble packs. A laser label would indicate that the item has passed quality control carried by the 4 parties above.